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The 4 Separate
Grandmaster Mantak Chia
Grandmaster Mantak Chia is the creator of the Healing Tao, Tao Yoga, Universal Healing Tao System, and Tao Garden Health Spa & Resort, located in the beautiful northern countryside of Chiang Mai, Thailand. The author of more than 60 books on Taoist practices, Mantak Chia has taught countless enthusiastic students the principles of Taoist internal arts over the past years. His books have been translated into more than 40 languages, which has made the Universal Healing Tao System global.
Master Chia was born in Thailand to Chinese parents in 1944. When he was six, Buddhist monks taught him how to meditate and still his mind. While still a grammar school student, he learned traditional Thai boxing and, in the years to follow, Tai Chi Chuan from Master Lu, who soon introduced him to Aikido, Yoga, and advanced levels of Tai Chi. It was Master Yi Eng who authorized Master Chia to teach a system that combined Taoist, Buddhist, and Zen teachings. Since childhood, he has been studying the Taoist approach to life.
Healing Love
The foundation of healing love is the cultivation, transformation, and circulation of our sexual energy, known as jing.
Mantak Chia teaches powerful techniques developed by Taoist masters for the conservation of jing and how it is used to revitalize women’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Among the many benefits conferred by these practices are a reduct
From the Author
What is sexual Kung Fu?
Sexual Kung Fu simply means sexual practice. Sexual Kung Fu is a tradition developed over thousands of years of specific techniques men can use to experience multiple and whole body orgasms, cultivate their sexual energy for improving their health and creativity as well as to pleasure and satisfy their partners.
Can anyone become multi-orgasmic? How long does it take?
Yes, as long as they understand and practice the techniques. How long it takes for a man to experience a multiple orgasm and then to become regularly orgasmic depends on two things: his sexual strength and sexual sensitivity. Some men may experience it the first time they try, while others will take several weeks or even months to become multi-orgasmic. But any man can become multi-orgasmic as long as he learns to separate between his orgasm and his ejaculation.
What is the difference between orgasm and ejaculation?
Surprising as it may sound to many men, orgasm and ejaculation are not the same thing, although they occur very close together in most men. The Taoists and great lovers the world over have known this fact for thousands of years, but it was not until the 1940s that it was recorded in the scientific literature by the famous sex researcher Alfred Kinsey. In short, orgasm is the contraction or pulsation that you feel at the peak of sexual arousal and that floods your body with pleasure. Your heart rate also rises about fifty beats per minute. Ejaculation is simply the lower spinal reflex that often follows orgasm and results in the ejection of sperm from your penis. Many men have experienced orgasm without ejaculation when they masturbated when they were young and before their body had started to make semen. Kinsey found that more than half of preteen boys could experience multiple orgasms. Unfortunately, when most men start to ejaculate, they forget how to distinguish between the crescendo of orgasm and the crash of ejaculation.
How can I separate ejaculation from orgasm?
As mentioned above, it requires two things: sexual sensitivity and sexual strength. In the book, we try to show men how to become aware of the moments between orgasm and ejaculation so they can learn to put the breaks on. By the breaks, we mean slowing down their arousal rate and using their sex muscles to control themselves from falling over the peak and down the steep cliff of ejaculation.
When do I let it finally go? Ever?
You can ejaculate every time you make love after you have had a number of orgasms, if you like. But most men, after they are able to orgasm without ejaculating, end up not wanting to ejaculate all the time. When they orgasm without ejaculating, they usually feel energetic and calm. When they ejaculate, they usually feel tired and lethargic. But according to the Tao, there are no absolutes. It all depends on a person’s age, health, life circumstance. If you are on vacation, you may want to ejaculate more than if you are working very hard and need to conserve your energy. This is just common sense.
Isn’t holding it in painful or dangerous?
Most men assume that if they do not ejaculate, they will have “blue balls” like they had when they were teenagers, but with multiple orgasms, you experience the release of tension and pressure that accompany orgasm. Not ejaculating is certainly not dangerous. The Taoists have been practicing these techniques for thousands of years without problems, and the studies show no sex problems.
Where does the semen go if it is not ejaculated?
It gets re-absorbed by your body just like it does in men who have had a vasectomy.
What is a full body orgasm?
Most men experience their orgasms primarily in the groin. This, according to the Taoists, is because we keep our sexual energy exclusively below the belt. The Taoists developed techniques for spreading this sexual energy and sexual pleasure throughout their body. Once you are able to do this, you begin to feel your orgasms in your brain and the rest of your body as well as in your genitals.
What do you mean by sexual energy?
What we call getting horny or getting aroused is understood in Sexual Kung Fu as the expansion of sexual energy. It is this sexual energy that you can use to expand your orgasms and revitalize your whole body.
Are there health implications to being Multi-Orgasmic?
Yes. According to Sexual Kung Fu, which is also called Healing Love, people need their sexual energy and even need to experience orgasms regularly to stay healthy. It is strange how we accept that pain is associated with illness, but we forget that pleasure is also associated with wellness. The problem is when a man ejaculates he loses much of this sexual energy he has created. This is the reason that many athletes and performers don’t have sex the night before the big game or big performance. Musician Miles Davis talked about this, but what Miles and other men don’t generally realize is that the drain is not sex but ejaculation. By learning to orgasm without ejaculating, they benefit from the sexual energy and waves of pleasure associated with orgasm (today, scientists might refer to the release of endorphins or other chemicals) without the depletion of ejaculation. A number of men have told me how they were able to avoid or end colds by using the Sexual Kung Fu techniques. In addition to prescribing certain pills for a particular condition, a Taoist physician would suggest love-making in a particular position–now that’s, to quote Aretha Franklin, “Dr. Feel Good in the morning.”
What are some of the most fundamental techniques a man can use to enhance his sex life and move toward being multi-orgasmic?
I think there are two very simple things that men can start to do. The first is to learn to be aware of their breathing. As in all martial arts and meditative practices, breathing is the way to gain control over your body. By learning to breathe deeply as he approaches orgasm, a man can learn to prolong orgasm and delay ejaculation. We go into much greater detail, but this is a place to start. Also, men can do the “Stopping the Stream Exercise” by which they learn to stop and start the flow of urine when they are going to the bathroom. The muscle that you use to stop and start the flow of urine (the PC or sex muscle) is the same muscle you use to help stop yourself from ejaculating.
Why do you think it has taken us so long to learn about multiple orgasms in the West?
Well, I think the fundamental problem comes from the shame that we feel around sexuality. For the Taoist, sex is just one part of being human. For them, just as we try to learn about cooking and nutrition to eat the tastiest food and stay fit, we should also learn about sex to experience the most possible pleasure and to stay healthy.
How many men are actually multi-orgasmic now?
I’d say probably somewhere between five and ten percent. Dr. William Hartman and Dr. Marilyn Fithian found that 12 percent of the men they studied in the laboratory were multi-orgasmic. I think this number might be a bit high, but it is still impressive. It is worth remembering that it is only in the last forty years that female orgasms have been recognized and accepted as normal. Back in the fifties, Kinsey reported that only 14 percent of women were multi-orgasmic. Recent surveys suggest that over 50 percent of women are multi-orgasmic! We expect that when more men realize that they can have multiple orgasm s and have a clear technique that the numbers will increase with similar speed. Already over the last fifteen years since the techniques in this book were introduced in the West, there has been a quiet sexual revolution going on among ordinary men who have learned to be multi-orgasmic.
What do you say to the statement of some women, “Isn’t one enough for them? What do I get out of it?”
Most men who ejaculate when they orgasm remain focused on the goal of “getting off” rather than on the orgasmic process of love-making. Men who practice Sexual Kung Fu are not nervous or selfish lovers. They are in touch with their body and their partner’s body, and are able to be much better lovers. Few men learn how to truly satisfy themselves or their partners sexually in this society. Sexual Kung Fu helps both partners to have the most pleasurable, passionate, and healthy love life. I would say that one doesn’t have to be enough for men or for women; however, the issue isn’t the number of orgasms, it is not about keeping score, it is about the quality and satisfaction of the love-making. Partners report much greater satisfaction with love-making once their partners learn to be multi-orgasmic.
Can the techniques in The Multi-Orgasmic Man effect relationships outside of sex?
As any sex therapist will tell you, when there are problems in the bedroom, there are problems in the relationship. While good sex will not solve all the problems in a relationship, it can certainly help. Sexual Kung Fu is a way of cultivating passion and intimacy in a relationship over a lifetime. It helps men and women to find infinite pleasure in their partner and not to become bored or seek after new sexual thrills. We call good sex “love-making” and that is exactly what the Taoist practice helps to do–make love. It helps partners to experience love and delight in one another, which can have a profound impact on relationships.
How does the Taoist sexuality differ from tantric sex?
There are some similarities between Tantra and Taoist sexuality, but unlike Tantra, which is part of the Hindu religious practice, Taoist sexuality was developed as a branch of Chinese medicine. You therefore don’t need to believe any religious doctrines to be able to practice it and it is based on the workings of the body, not of any dogmatic belief system. In The Multi-Orgasmic Man we offer practical Taoist techniques that have been confirmed by scientific study to readers who are looking not for a new religious system but for a more profound experience of their own sexuality.
Isn’t there a spiritual side to Taoist sexuality as well?
Certainly. Sexuality according to the Taoist was a profound spiritual practice. There was no separation between body and spirit like in the West. In Sexual Kung Fu, body and spirit are one and the same. What we have tried to do is offer basic techniques that all readers can use to become multi-orgasmic and to gradually add more subtle techniques for readers who want to use their sexuality as a path to improving their health and deepening their spirituality.ion in the discomfort caused by menstruation and the ability to attain full-body orgasm.